 創作碩士論述:虛無嘲弄的內在悲憫 - 圖像記號的人道情操              p.1 圖文 /  盧天炎 2005


悲憫,語見韓愈「爭臣論」:『 畏天命而閔人窮 』今語悲天憫人,即憂念時艱、憂慮世事之意,這是一份華夏知識份子優質的胸襟和傳承。

台灣自 1987 年解嚴以來,「去中國化」已成必然之勢,尤其是朝野更替後中原文化逐步趨向虛無化的過程,觸發了筆者進行檢視台灣人文在這



命題形成的時代背景、美學傾向和立足點。第貳章「圖像記號的嘲弄語言」記載圖像記號形式的演繹 、研發,筆者與多位藝術家圖像記號引用

的比對,以及闡述「嘲弄」在時代調性中的脈絡。第參章「悲憫 」的創作歷程,是探討、分 析作品印證形式和內容的理論框架與執行效應,尤


全篇由三個創作階段 - 「石器時代」 1986 ~ 1992 ,「文物誌」 1993 ~ 1997 及 1998 年以來「搶救記憶」中的六個系列 : 「石 器」、「文物」





By Mercy, a reference made to a quotation from “On Contending Officials” ( 爭臣論 ), by Han-Yu in Tang Dynasty – to beware of the divine wish and to

have mercy to all the general public poor – I mean universal charity, in perceiving the predicament of the time and in sharing the concerns with the existing

situation. This is the great Magnanimity and the cherished inheritance of the educated elites in the long history in China .

Since the end of the Martial Law in Taiwan in 1987, “De - Chinalization” has seen a definite trend. This is especially obvioue after the opposition party came

to power in the rotation of the government administration, and the mainland culture has gradually undergone a process in the direction toward “Voidism.” It

was this new trend that inspired the author of this thesis to observe the reaction in the cultural circle in Taiwan . The objective is to present a pictoral sign mockery

to warn of the danger in the culture to move toward that direction. The preface in the thesis defines the meaning of the national entity of the R.O.C., the Republic

Of China on the Taiwan islands, the status of the politics and culture in Taiwan , and the use of “Rescuring Memory” as a creation theme.

In Chapter I, mention is made of “Rescuring Memory” regarding the background of its origin for the title, its artistie consideration and its reasoning in


In Chapter II, “pictotal sign as a language of mockery”, states the evolution, research and development of the pictoral sign forms. Contrasts of the pictoral

signs are also made between the author of this thesis and several other astists. The chapter concludes with the statement of “mochery” as a means to the

historical adaptation to the time.

In chapter III , is the creation process of “Mercy”, explorating and analysing the frame work of the art piece in terms of the form and content , as well as the

impact of its execution. Special emphasis is placed herewith on the analysis of the art and structural power.

The thesis is composed of three creation stages – “Stone Age”1986 –992 ; ” Cultural Notes”,1993 – 1997 ; and “Rescuing Memory” since 1998

– with the six series as the main theme: “StoneTools”, “Relics”, “Plagues”, “Blood Pleas”, “R.O.C. Betrayal” and “Rescuring Memory”.

The aim is to present through the overall and revealing extension of the pictoral signs, the helplessness of the Taiwanese people in the face of existence. At the

same time it is to show the dilemma arising out of the fate of shallow voidism in term of the internal culture, in whilmsical and even “degrading”, ridiculous

complications of sareasm. The analytical repont on the most recent launch of “Mercy” in the personal commencement exhibition provides the witness and





台灣,這個地域在華夏歷史中向來妾身不明,原本只是一個島嶼, 1624 年成為荷蘭的屬地, 1683 年成為中國清朝的領土, 1895 年因勢宣佈成

立「台灣民主國」, 5 個月後台灣民主國被日本攻垮成為殖民地, 1945 年日本宣佈投降重又回到了中華民國的領土 (註 1) 。台灣在第一次荒

誕建國的挫折後, 並無多大自許的信心與理想去擁有國體尊嚴,而 1950 和 1960 年代中華民國現代化的建設,帶來台灣有史以來經濟上最高的

榮景,所以 1970 年代台灣雖然歷經中美、中日斷交,以及退出聯合國的噩運,但經濟發展上的成就還是出現了「亞洲四小龍」的封號,更在

1987 年政治解嚴之後真正成為亞洲民主現代化的國家;從此台灣人才自信滿滿地思索定位與意義。

但台灣當下的情勢尚未脫離國際交通樞紐、防禦屏障與利益攻防的衝突點,台灣還是在中國、美國和日本這三大國際霸權的傾軋之下 ,被邊緣

化、被物質化,持續被鎖定服膺於霸權的利益而茍延殘喘;歷經多年社會事件的出現 (註 2) ,筆者深信六十年來台灣黨、 政、軍,政府、民

間各重要職位人士早已被霸權國收買或滲透,其中目的就是維持所謂的現狀 – 亂,台灣唯有亂、不團結,霸權國 之間才能相互牽制、也才能讓

他們渾水摸魚。因此之故台灣人文一直處於價值變換、隨勢就導,如同浮萍似的飄蕩而無法落實深根, 當然隨著中原文化式微及續之無繼的無


雖然如此,中華民國在台灣的藝術家們並未消聲匿跡,也從未退出戰場,在一波波「本土浪潮」 (註3) 的激盪中緬懷悲情、奮起自信 、反思顛覆





悲憫,帶有崇高宗教感和深邃人文性的底蘊,它是在精神靈性層面上的本質操守,而不是論斷形而下意識型態的是非與對錯。「悲憫 」是優質



註 1. 楊碧川 著(1990)。《簡明台灣史》,版2。高雄市:第一。 p.5 p.41 p.191 p.386

註 2. 諸如空軍飛官投共、中科院院士洩漏機密、台獨金主曝光等事件皆只是冰山一角,但已經足夠證明之。

註 3. 自1970年代台灣被迫從國際退據邊緣所引發的第一波「本土化浪潮」,經1980年代因國際後現代思潮及國內解嚴觸發的第二波浪 潮,及


p.1  p.2  p.3  p.4  p.5  p.6  

附圖 1 2  3  4  5 6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19

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